Simon Tonkin

Simon Tonkin

Located in the coastal hills of Andalucía just outside the picturesque Spanish town of Tarifa, the Inglorious Bustards are based right at the epicentre of birding in The Straits of Gibraltar. And from a migrating raptor’s point of view, we must surely also be at the centre of the world!

Inglorious Bustards are birders, conservationists, travellers, and all-around Nature-lovers. We love to marvel at the hundreds of thousands of birds that pass overhead, and to follow them on their migratory journey, exploring the whole range of fascinating and varied terrains they traverse each year.

And we love to share our adventures with you! As well as our home in southern Spain, we take pride in bringing you the best of birding in Andalucía and other migration spectacles along the East Atlantic Flyway journey, through Europe and North Africa, right down to the steamy wintering grounds of many of our nomads, south of the Sahara.
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Simon Tonkin