American Birding Association

The American Birding Association (ABA) is "a non-profit organization that provides leadership to birders by increasing their knowledge, skills and enjoyment of birding".

The ABA maintains a checklist for its area which is carefully assessed and regularly updated. This checklist refers to the 'ABA Area', i.e. the 49 continental United States, Hawaii, Canada, the French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, and adjacent waters to a distance of 200 miles from land or half the distance to a neighboring country, whichever is less. Bermuda, and Greenland are not included.

Note that prior to 2016 the ABA Area excluded Hawaii, and we include this area as 'ABA Continental Traditional': please do not add Hawaiian species to any lists for ABA Continental Traditional.

The most recent update of the ABA list was to incorporate the 2023 midterm report.

Want to be an editor for this checklist?


First select authority to copy existing species from, then type species name, or enter a new species directly.
Species name is defaulted from the previous species row and should of course be overwritten!
Genus is defaulted from the previous species row but may need overwriting; specific needs to be entered in either case.

Delete species

NB: Species name for the old taxon should be updated to differentiate it from the split taxa using a '/' or '[group]', e.g. Species A/Species B or Species A [group].
NB: Scientific name should also be updated similarly, e.g. Genus specific A/specific B or Genus specific A [group]

NB: Notes only allow up to 255 characters, but there is no enforcement of this. Anything longer will be truncated without warning.
NB: Species name for the old taxon should be updated to differentiate it from the split taxa using '[lumped]', e.g. Species A [lumped].
NB: Scientific should also be updated, using '[lumped]' or brackets for the old specific name, e.g. Genus specific [lumped] or Genus [specific] subspecific.
NB: Notes only allow up to 255 characters, but there is no enforcement of this. Anything longer will be truncated without warning.