We always welcome suggestions from BUBO Listers as to how we can enhance BUBO Listing and one frequently mentioned comment has been that, whilst it is relatively quick to create a new list, if you do not add all your sightings at the time of list creation, then it is slower to add species later using the 'Add Species to List' option. Based on this feedback we have now implemented a new batch edit mode for existing lists. This will make it easier and faster to add new species (or make updates, or deletions) to an existing list.
From either menu option of 'View/Edit My Lists' and 'Add Species to List', you will now see an extra button 'Batch Edit'. Select a list and then click this button to see a checklist display of your list, split over multiple pages. You can then add species by ticking the 'Seen?' checkbox and entering additional species details as necessary. Untick the box to remove a species and just edit directly the date, location, comments and sensitive flag if you wish to update an existing record. When you have made the necessary changes on the page just click 'Save Records'. If there are any errors in your entry, e.g. date and location missing for a rarity, you will be prompted to correct these before any changes are saved.
You can navigate between pages of the checklist by simply clicking the required page number or using the other navigation links to go to the next page, jump ten pages, or go to the first or last pages accordingly. Remember to save any changes from the current page before you navigate to a different page though, otherwise your changes will be lost.
Thanks to those who commented on this area and please do keep the comments coming (via the Contact form) so that we can continue to improve on BUBO Listing and make it the number one site for bird listing worldwide.