GULL, VEGA (9-5-08) Gambell, Ak -03
Vega Gull, Alaska; © Alan Schmierer

116 new species have been added and 16 removed with the update of the Clements World List following Cornell's October 2024 update.

The most significant bonuses are:

  • four way split of Herring Gull (into American Herring, European Herring, Mongolian and Vega Gulls)
  • seven way split of House Wren (Northern, Southern and five Caribbean island endemics)
  • split of Cory's and Scopoli's Shearwaters
  • Barn Owl split into Western, Eastern, and American
  • Red-rumped Swallow into European, African, and Eastern (with Striated Swallow lumped into the latter)
  • Rock Martin into Pale, Red-throated, and Southern Crag-Martins
  • Cocos Booby split from Brown Booby
  • Common Cicadabird split into 13 species
  • Island Thrush split into 17 species

However, most listers will also be losing species following the lumping of the three Redpolls.

As usual we have automatically applied what updates we can, and remaining updates needed will be highlighted for you. See the eBird taxonomy article for help in identifying changes to your lists.