Gregor Tims: Australia Life List C&B 2008, All records Record(s) 1 to 102 of 102 total. Seq. Species Scientific Name Species Available Species Seen Species Seen % Seen by Others Others % 1 Struthionidae Ostrich 1 0 0 7 4 2 Casuariidae Cassowaries 4 2 50 123 75 3 Megapodiidae Megapodes 3 2 66 132 80 4 Numididae Guineafowl 1 0 0 18 11 5 Odontophoridae New World Quails 1 0 0 10 6 6 Phasianidae Pheasants and Partridges 9 1 11 99 60 7 Anseranatidae Magpie Goose 1 1 100 125 76 8 Anatidae Ducks, Geese and Swans 29 20 68 147 90 9 Phaethontidae Tropicbirds 2 1 50 29 17 10 Podicipedidae Grebes 4 3 75 138 84 11 Phoenicopteridae Flamingos 1 0 0 1 0 12 Columbidae Pigeons and Doves 37 20 54 146 89 13 Podargidae Frogmouths 3 1 33 110 67 14 Eurostopodidae Eared Nightjars 2 1 50 48 29 15 Caprimulgidae Nightjars and Allies 3 0 0 25 15 16 Aegothelidae Owlet-nightjars 1 1 100 61 37 17 Apodidae Swifts 12 3 25 108 66 18 Hydrobatidae Storm-petrels 4 0 0 0 0 19 Oceanitidae Storm-petrels 6 1 16 43 26 20 Diomedeidae Albatrosses 10 4 40 74 45 21 Procellariidae Shearwaters and Petrels 55 9 16 99 60 22 Spheniscidae Penguins 11 1 9 87 53 23 Fregatidae Frigatebirds 3 1 33 61 37 24 Sulidae Boobies and Gannets 6 3 50 126 77 25 Anhingidae Anhingas 1 1 100 130 79 26 Phalacrocoracidae Cormorants 7 5 71 146 89 27 Pelecanidae Pelicans 1 1 100 147 90 28 Ciconiidae Storks 1 1 100 105 64 29 Ardeidae Herons, Egrets and Bitterns 25 13 52 144 88 30 Threskiornithidae Ibises and Spoonbills 5 5 100 147 90 31 Accipitridae Hawks, Eagles and Kites 26 17 65 144 88 32 Falconidae Falcons, and Caracaras 7 4 57 140 85 33 Gruidae Cranes 2 1 50 98 60 34 Rallidae Rails, Gallinules and Coots 23 12 52 143 87 35 Otididae Bustards 1 1 100 78 47 36 Chionidae Sheathbills 1 0 0 0 0 37 Burhinidae Thick-knees 2 2 100 108 66 38 Haematopodidae Oystercatchers 3 2 66 132 80 39 Recurvirostridae Avocets and Stilts 3 2 66 124 76 40 Charadriidae Plovers and Lapwings 21 10 47 146 89 41 Pedionomidae Plains-wanderer 1 0 0 23 14 42 Jacanidae Jacanas 2 1 50 99 60 43 Rostratulidae Painted-snipe 1 1 100 22 13 44 Scolopacidae Sandpipers and Allies 46 24 52 130 79 45 Turnicidae Buttonquail 7 2 28 62 38 46 Glareolidae Pratincoles and Coursers 2 1 50 65 39 47 Stercorariidae Skuas and Jaegers 5 2 40 60 36 48 Laridae Gulls 35 15 42 143 87 49 Nestoridae Kaka 2 0 0 0 0 50 Cacatuidae Cockatoos 14 10 71 146 89 51 Psittacidae Parrots 41 21 51 145 88 52 Cuculidae Cuckoos 19 9 47 129 79 53 Strigidae Owls 7 2 28 89 54 54 Tytonidae Barn Owls 4 2 50 65 39 55 Alcedinidae Smaller Kingfishers 3 2 66 113 69 56 Halcyonidae Larger Kingfishers 11 6 54 141 86 57 Meropidae Bee-eaters 1 1 100 119 73 58 Coraciidae Rollers 1 1 100 90 55 59 Pittidae Pittas 5 1 20 80 49 60 Menuridae Lyrebirds 2 2 100 92 56 61 Atrichornithidae Scrub-birds 2 0 0 25 15 62 Climacteridae Australasian Treecreepers 6 3 50 123 75 63 Ptilonorhychidae Bowerbirds 10 8 80 121 74 64 Maluridae Fairywrens 22 6 27 138 84 65 Dasyornithidae Bristlebirds 3 1 33 58 35 66 Acanthizidae Gerygones, Thornbills and Allies 42 21 50 135 82 67 Pardalotidae Pardalotes 4 2 50 121 74 68 Meliphagidae Honeyeaters 74 50 67 143 87 69 Pomatostomidae Pseudo-babblers 4 3 75 94 57 70 Orthonychidae Logrunners 2 2 100 88 53 71 Eupetidae Quail-thrushes, Whipbirds and Wedgebills 8 2 25 113 69 72 Neosittidae Sittellas 1 1 100 83 50 73 Campephagidae Cuckoo-shrikes 9 5 55 135 82 74 Pachycephalidae Whistlers and Allies 14 8 57 132 80 75 Oriolidae Old World Orioles 3 3 100 133 81 76 Artamidae Woodswallows 14 13 92 142 87 77 Dicruridae Drongos 1 1 100 107 65 78 Rhipiduridae Fantails 7 5 71 144 88 79 Laniidae Shrikes 2 0 0 1 0 80 Corvidae Crows, Jays and Magpies 7 5 71 142 87 81 Monarchidae Monarchs 14 11 78 142 87 82 Corcoracidae White-winged Chough and Apostlebird 2 2 100 108 66 83 Paradisaeidae Birds-of-paradise 4 2 50 87 53 84 Petroicidae Australasian Robins 22 9 40 134 82 85 Alaudidae Larks 3 0 0 79 48 86 Cisticolidae Cisticolas 2 1 50 105 64 87 Acrocephalidae Reed-Warblers 3 1 33 97 59 88 Megaluridae Grassbirds 5 4 80 93 57 89 Timaliidae White-eyes 7 2 28 127 77 90 Phylloscopidae Leaf-Warblers 1 0 0 1 0 91 Hirundinidae Swallows 8 3 37 139 85 92 Pycnonotidae Bulbuls 2 1 50 57 34 93 Muscicapidae Old World Flycatchers 7 0 0 5 3 94 Turdidae Thrushes 5 3 60 109 66 95 Sturnidae Starlings 7 3 42 135 82 96 Nectariniidae Sunbirds and Spiderhunters 3 2 66 116 71 97 Estrildidae Finches 23 10 43 134 82 98 Ploceidae Weavers 3 0 0 1 0 99 Passeridae Old World Sparrows 2 1 50 124 76 100 Motacillidae Wagtails and Pipits 8 1 12 113 69 101 Fringillidae Siskins, Crossbills and Allies 4 1 25 80 49 102 Emberizidae Buntings, Sparrows, Seedeaters and Allies 1 0 0 2 1