Daniel Boer: World Life List IOC, All records Record(s) 1 to 792 of 792 total. Seq. Species Scientific Name Rare? Date Location Comments 1 Common Ostrich Struthio camelus 10/09/2022 South Africa 2 Fulvous Whistling Duck Dendrocygna bicolor 11/09/2022 South Africa 3 Brent Goose Branta bernicla 4 Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis 5 Canada Goose Branta canadensis 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 6 Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis 7 Ross's Goose Anser rossii 18/11/2018 De Onlanden, Drenthe, The Netherlands Pending 8 Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 9 Greylag Goose Anser anser 10 Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis 16/02/2023 Lieveren, Drenthe, The Netherlands 11 Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus 12 Tundra Bean Goose Anser serrirostris 13 Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons 14 Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus 15 Black Swan Cygnus atratus 04/01/2007 Adelaide, Australia 16 Mute Swan Cygnus olor 17 Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus 18 Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus 19 Spur-winged Goose Plectropterus gambensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 20 Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiaca 10/09/2022 South Africa 21 Common Shelduck Tadorna tadorna 22 Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea 23 Wood Duck Aix sponsa 25/07/2023 USA, Ohio 24 Baikal Teal Sibirionetta formosa 11/04/2021 Zevenhoven, The Netherlands 25 Garganey Spatula querquedula 26 Blue-winged Teal Spatula discors 05/05/2018 Nieuw Buinen, Drenthe, The Netherlands 27 Cape Shoveler Spatula smithii 11/09/2022 South Africa 28 Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata Also in NYC, USA 29 Gadwall Mareca strepera Also in NYC, USA 30 Falcated Duck Mareca falcata 16/04/2023 Rotterdam, The Netherlands 31 Eurasian Wigeon Mareca penelope 32 American Wigeon Mareca americana 19/10/2019 Harlingen, Friesland, The Netherlands Also in Seattle 33 Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata 11/09/2022 South Africa 34 Eastern Spot-billed Duck Anas zonorhyncha 29/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 35 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 36 Cape Teal Anas capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 37 Northern Pintail Anas acuta 38 Eurasian Teal Anas crecca 39 Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis 24/04/2021 Brabantse Biesbosch, NB, The Netherlands 40 Marbled Duck Marmaronetta angustirostris Spain 41 Red-crested Pochard Netta rufina 42 Southern Pochard Netta erythrophthalma 11/09/2022 South Africa 43 Common Pochard Aythya ferina 44 Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca 45 Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris 12/02/2017 Appingedam, Groningen, The Netherlands 46 Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula 47 Greater Scaup Aythya marila 48 Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis 22/03/2019 Dijkwielen, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands 49 King Eider Somateria spectabilis 28/04/2018 Texel, The Netherlands 50 Common Eider Somateria mollissima 51 Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata 22/11/2023 Geneva, Switzerland 52 Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca 53 Common Scoter Melanitta nigra 54 Black Scoter Melanitta americana 09/10/2021 Schiermonnikoog, Fr, The Netherlands 55 Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis 56 Bufflehead Bucephala albeola 21/02/2017 Den Oever, The Netherlands Also in NYC, USA 57 Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula 58 Smew Mergellus albellus 59 Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus 07/02/2016 NYC, USA 60 Common Merganser Mergus merganser Also in NYC, USA 61 Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator 62 Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 63 White-headed Duck Oxyura leucocephala Spain 64 Australian Brushturkey Alectura lathami 15/01/2007 Atherton Tablelands, Australia 65 West Mexican Chachalaca Ortalis poliocephala 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 66 Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris 11/09/2022 South Africa 67 Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo 26/07/2023 USA, Ohio 68 Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 69 Willow Ptarmigan Lagopus lagopus 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 70 Western Capercaillie Tetrao urogallus 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 71 Black Grouse Lyrurus tetrix 22/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 72 Grey Partridge Perdix perdix 73 Grey-winged Francolin Scleroptila afra 17/09/2022 South Africa 74 Common Quail Coturnix coturnix HO 75 Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa Spain 76 Cape Spurfowl Pternistis capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 77 Red-necked Nightjar Caprimulgus ruficollis 06/08/2022 Spain 78 European Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus 79 Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica 25/07/2023 USA, Ohio 80 Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba Spain & Italy 81 Common Swift Apus apus 82 Pallid Swift Apus pallidus 83 Little Swift Apus affinis 17/09/2022 South Africa 84 White-rumped Swift Apus caffer 07/08/2021 Spain 85 Rivoli's Hummingbird Eugenes fulgens 03/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 86 Plain-capped Starthroat Heliomaster constantii 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 87 Blue-throated Mountaingem Lampornis clemenciae 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 88 Amethyst-throated Mountaingem Lampornis amethystinus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 89 Sparkling-tailed Woodstar Tilmatura dupontii 03/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 90 Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris 04/08/2023 USA, NY 91 Dusky Hummingbird Phaeoptila sordida 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 92 Broad-billed Hummingbird Cynanthus latirostris 03/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 93 Violet-crowned Hummingbird Ramosomyia violiceps 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 94 Great Bustard Otis tarda Spain 95 Southern Black Korhaan Afrotis afra 17/09/2022 South Africa 96 Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax 10/02/2019 De Zilk, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands 97 Groove-billed Ani Crotophaga sulcirostris 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 98 Burchell's Coucal Centropus burchellii 11/09/2022 South Africa HO 99 Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius 25/04/2022 Spain 100 Klaas's Cuckoo Chrysococcyx klaas 18/09/2022 South Africa 101 Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus 102 Pin-tailed Sandgrouse Pterocles alchata 08/08/2019 Spain 103 Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis 06/08/2019 Spain 104 Rock Dove Columba livia 17/08/2018 Spain 105 Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea 10/09/2022 South Africa 106 Stock Dove Columba oenas 107 Common Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus 108 African Olive Pigeon Columba arquatrix 18/09/2022 South Africa 109 European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur 110 Oriental Turtle Dove Streptopelia orientalis 31/01/2020 Sneek, Friesland, The Netherlands ssp meena, also in South Korea 111 Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto 112 Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata 11/09/2022 South Africa 113 Ring-necked Dove Streptopelia capicola 11/09/2022 South Africa 114 Laughing Dove Spilopelia senegalensis 17/09/2022 South Africa 115 Namaqua Dove Oena capensis 17/09/2022 South Africa 116 Crested Pigeon Ocyphaps lophotes 25/12/2006 Sydney, Australia 117 Inca Dove Columbina inca 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 118 White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 119 Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 120 Virginia Rail Rallus limicola 03/08/2023 USA, NY HO 121 Water Rail Rallus aquaticus 122 Corn Crake Crex crex HO 123 Spotted Crake Porzana porzana 124 Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa 03/01/2007 Melbourne, Australia 125 Common Gallinule Gallinula galeata 05/08/2023 USA, NY 126 Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus 127 Eurasian Coot Fulica atra 128 Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata 11/09/2022 South Africa 129 American Coot Fulica americana 06/08/2023 USA, NY 130 Western Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio 131 African Swamphen Porphyrio madagascariensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 132 Australasian Swamphen Porphyrio melanotus 03/01/2007 Melbourne, Australia 133 Baillon's Crake Zapornia pusilla HO 134 Little Crake Zapornia parva 09/08/2020 Groningen, The Netherlands 135 Blue Crane Grus paradisea 17/09/2022 South Africa 136 Common Crane Grus grus 137 Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis 138 Least Grebe Tachybaptus dominicus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 139 Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 140 Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena 141 Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus 142 Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus 143 Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis 144 Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus 145 Lesser Flamingo Phoeniconaias minor 11/09/2022 South Africa 146 Spotted Thick-knee Burhinus capensis 18/09/2022 South Africa 147 Water Thick-knee Burhinus vermiculatus 11/09/2022 South Africa 148 Eurasian Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus 149 American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus 12/08/2023 USA, NY 150 African Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini 11/09/2022 South Africa 151 Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus 152 Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 153 Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta 154 Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola 155 European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria 156 Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva 13/07/2019 Dollard, Groningen, The Netherlands 157 American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica 31/08/2019 Groningen, The Netherlands 158 Eurasian Dotterel Eudromias morinellus 159 Killdeer Charadrius vociferus 12/08/2023 USA, NY 160 Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula 161 Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus 01/08/2023 Canada, Ontario 162 Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius 163 Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus 164 Blacksmith Lapwing Vanellus armatus 11/09/2022 South Africa 165 Crowned Lapwing Vanellus coronatus 17/09/2022 South Africa 166 Grey-headed Lapwing Vanellus cinereus 27/06/2019 Workumermeer, Friesland, The Netherlands 167 Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius 29/05/2017 Groningen, The Netherlands 168 Caspian Plover Anarhynchus asiaticus 29/11/2021 Eemspolder, Groningen, The Netherlands 169 Greater Sand Plover Anarhynchus leschenaultii 23/07/2022 Texel, NH, The Netherlands 170 Kittlitz's Plover Anarhynchus pecuarius 17/09/2022 South Africa 171 Chestnut-banded Plover Anarhynchus pallidus 17/09/2022 South Africa 172 White-fronted Plover Anarhynchus marginatus 17/09/2022 South Africa 173 Kentish Plover Anarhynchus alexandrinus 174 Eurasian Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 175 Little Curlew Numenius minutus 30/12/2019 Oudesluis, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands 176 Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata 177 Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 178 Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Also ssp islandica 179 Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus 27/07/2017 Ezumakeeg Noord, Friesland, The Netherlands 180 Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus 12/08/2023 USA, NY 181 Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus 182 Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 183 Great Snipe Gallinago media 18/06/2022 Hardenberg, OV, The Netherlands 184 Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago 185 Wilson's Phalarope Phalaropus tricolor 13/07/2022 Den Oever, The Netherlands 186 Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius 187 Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus 188 Terek Sandpiper Xenus cinereus 189 Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Also in South-Korea 190 Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius 24/07/2020 Verdronken Land van Saeftinghe, Zeeland, The Netherlands 191 Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus 192 Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria 05/08/2023 USA, NY 193 Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis 194 Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola 195 Common Redshank Tringa totanus 196 Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes 05/05/2018 Lith, Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands 197 Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus 198 Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia 199 Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca 05/08/2023 USA, NY 200 Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 201 Red Knot Calidris canutus 202 Ruff Calidris pugnax 203 Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus 204 Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea 205 Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii 206 Buff-breasted Sandpiper Calidris subruficollis 207 Sanderling Calidris alba 208 Dunlin Calidris alpina 209 Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima 210 Little Stint Calidris minuta 211 Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla 01/08/2023 Canada, Ontario 212 White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis 18/09/2020 Twisk, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands 213 Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos 214 Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla 12/08/2023 USA, NY 215 Cream-colored Courser Cursorius cursor 25/10/2021 Bergen, NH, The Netherlands 216 Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni 24/10/2018 Batenburg, Gelderland, The Netherlands 217 Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola Spain 218 Black Skimmer Rynchops niger 12/08/2023 USA, NY 219 Little Tern Sternula albifrons 220 Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 221 Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 222 Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida 223 Black Tern Chlidonias niger 224 White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus 225 Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri 12/08/2023 USA, NY 226 Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea 227 Antarctic Tern Sterna vittata 17/09/2022 South Africa 228 Common Tern Sterna hirundo 229 Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii 26/06/2020 Bergen, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands 230 Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis 231 Greater Crested Tern Thalasseus bergii 10/09/2022 South Africa 232 Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus 233 Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea 21/04/2021 Scheveningen, The Netherlands 234 Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla 235 Sabine's Gull Xema sabini 236 Slender-billed Gull Chroicocephalus genei 09/08/2018 Spain 237 Bonaparte's Gull Chroicocephalus philadelphia 24/03/2022 Westkapelle, ZL, The Netherlands 238 Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus 239 Grey-headed Gull Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus 11/09/2022 South Africa 240 Hartlaub's Gull Chroicocephalus hartlaubii 11/09/2022 South Africa 241 Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 242 Audouin's Gull Ichthyaetus audouinii Spain 243 Mediterranean Gull Ichthyaetus melanocephalus 244 Common Gull Larus canus 245 Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 09/11/2018 Seattle, United States 246 Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans 247 Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus 10/09/2022 South Africa 248 European Herring Gull Larus argentatus 249 Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis 250 Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus Also in NYC, USA 251 Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus 252 Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus 253 Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens 04/11/2018 Seattle, United States 254 Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides 255 Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus 256 Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus 257 Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus 258 Great Skua Stercorarius skua 259 Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus 10/09/2022 South Africa 260 Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle 09/01/2021 Texel, The Netherlands 261 Razorbill Alca torda 262 Little Auk Alle alle 263 Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia 05/01/2021 Veerse Dam, Zeeland, The Netherlands 264 Common Murre Uria aalge 265 Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata 266 Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica 267 Great Northern Diver Gavia immer 268 White-billed Diver Gavia adamsii 22/01/2022 Stellendam, ZH, The Netherlands 269 Little Penguin Eudyptula minor 06/01/2007 Kangaroo Island, Australia 270 African Penguin Spheniscus demersus 10/09/2022 South Africa 271 Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 10/09/2022 South Africa 272 Northern Royal Albatross Diomedea sanfordi 10/09/2022 South Africa 273 Tristan Albatross Diomedea dabbenena 10/09/2022 South Africa Pending 274 Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross Thalassarche carteri 10/09/2022 South Africa 275 Shy Albatross Thalassarche cauta 10/09/2022 South Africa 276 Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris 10/09/2022 South Africa 277 Leach's Storm Petrel Hydrobates leucorhous 15/10/2022 The Netherlands 278 Northern Giant Petrel Macronectes halli 10/09/2022 South Africa 279 Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis 280 Cape Petrel Daption capense 10/09/2022 South Africa 281 Soft-plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis 10/09/2022 South Africa 282 White-chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis 10/09/2022 283 Cory's Shearwater Calonectris borealis 284 Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea 11/10/2020 Texel 285 Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis 10/09/2022 South Africa 286 Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus 08/10/2022 The Netherlands 287 Balearic Shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus 288 Black Stork Ciconia nigra 289 White Stork Ciconia ciconia 290 Northern Gannet Morus bassanus 291 Cape Gannet Morus capensis 10/09/2022 South Africa 292 African Darter Anhinga rufa 17/09/2022 South Africa 293 Pygmy Cormorant Microcarbo pygmaeus 24/06/2021 Enschede, Overijssel, The Netherlands 294 Reed Cormorant Microcarbo africanus 11/09/2022 South Africa 295 Crowned Cormorant Microcarbo coronatus 11/09/2022 South Africa 296 Bank Cormorant Phalacrocorax neglectus 10/09/2022 South Africa 297 Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis 10/09/2022 South Africa 298 White-breasted Cormorant Phalacrocorax lucidus 10/09/2022 South Africa 299 Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 300 European Shag Gulosus aristotelis 301 Double-crested Cormorant Nannopterum auritum 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 302 African Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus 11/09/2022 South Africa 303 Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 25/12/2006 Sydney, Australia 304 Hadada Ibis Bostrychia hagedash 11/09/2022 South Africa 305 Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 306 Eurasian Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia 307 African Spoonbill Platalea alba 17/09/2022 South Africa 308 Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris 309 Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis 06/08/2023 USA, NY 310 Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus 311 Yellow-crowned Night Heron Nyctanassa violacea 12/08/2023 USA, NY 312 Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Also in Washinton D.C. 313 Snowy Egret Egretta thula 11/08/2023 USA, NYC, Central Park 314 Little Egret Egretta garzetta 315 Green Heron Butorides virescens 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 316 Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides 04/06/2016 De Onlanden, Drenthe, The Netherlands 317 Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 318 Eastern Cattle Egret Bubulcus coromandus 29/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 319 Great Egret Ardea alba 320 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 321 Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias 25/07/2023 USA, Ohio 322 Purple Heron Ardea purpurea 323 Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala 11/09/2022 South Africa 324 Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus 17/09/2022 South Africa 325 Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus 06/01/2007 Kangaroo Island, Australia 326 Black Vulture Coragyps atratus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 327 Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura 328 Osprey Pandion haliaetus In USA ssp carolinensis 329 Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus 01/08/2017 Schildmeer, Groningen, The Netherlands 330 Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus Spain 331 Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus Spain 332 European Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus 333 Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus 07/06/2017 Stedum, Groningen, The Netherlands 334 Cinereous Vulture Aegypius monachus Spain 335 Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus 336 Black-chested Snake Eagle Circaetus pectoralis 17/09/2022 South Africa 337 Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus 17/09/2022 South Africa 338 Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga 14/03/2022 Fochteloƫrveen, Drenthe, The Netherlands 339 Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus 340 Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti 03/01/2018 Spain 341 Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Spain & Finland 342 Verreaux's Eagle Aquila verreauxii 11/09/2022 South Africa 343 Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata 06/08/2019 Spain 344 Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus 345 Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 346 Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucus 11/09/2022 South Africa 347 Eurasian Goshawk Accipiter gentilis 348 Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus 349 African Marsh Harrier Circus ranivorus 11/09/2022 South Africa 350 Black Harrier Circus maurus 17/09/2022 South Africa 351 Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus 352 Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus 353 Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus 354 Red Kite Milvus milvus 355 Black Kite Milvus migrans 356 Yellow-billed Kite Milvus aegyptius 11/09/2022 South Africa 357 White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla 358 Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus 03/08/2023 USA, NY 359 African Fish Eagle Icthyophaga vocifer 17/09/2022 South Africa 360 Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus 25/07/2023 USA, Ohio 361 Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 362 Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus 363 Common Buzzard Buteo buteo 364 Forest Buzzard Buteo trizonatus 18/09/2022 South Africa 365 Jackal Buzzard Buteo rufofuscus 11/09/2022 South Africa 366 Western Barn Owl Tyto alba 367 Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 368 Little Owl Athene noctua 369 Northern Hawk-Owl Surnia ulula 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 370 Eurasian Pygmy Owl Glaucidium passerinum 09/05/2021 Beekbergen, The Netherlands 371 Eurasian Scops Owl Otus scops Spain 372 Long-eared Owl Asio otus 373 Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus 374 Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 375 Eurasian Eagle-Owl Bubo bubo 376 Spotted Eagle-Owl Bubo africanus 17/09/2022 South Africa 377 Tawny Owl Strix aluco 378 Speckled Mousebird Colius striatus 18/09/2022 South Africa 379 White-backed Mousebird Colius colius 17/09/2022 South Africa 380 Red-faced Mousebird Urocolius indicus 17/09/2022 South Africa 381 Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops Spain 382 African Hoopoe Upupa africana 17/09/2022 South Africa 383 European Roller Coracias garrulus Spain 384 Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristatus 11/09/2022 South Africa 385 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 386 Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maxima 18/09/2022 South Africa 387 Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon 25/07/2023 USA, Ohio 388 Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis 11/09/2022 South Africa 389 Russet-crowned Motmot Momotus mexicanus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 390 European Bee-eater Merops apiaster 391 Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla 392 Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 393 Golden-cheeked Woodpecker Melanerpes chrysogenys 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 394 Grey-breasted Woodpecker Melanerpes hypopolius 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 395 Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 396 Middle Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocoptes medius 397 Cardinal Woodpecker Dendropicos fuscescens 17/09/2022 South Africa 398 Ladder-backed Woodpecker Dryobates scalaris 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 399 Downy Woodpecker Dryobates pubescens 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 400 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dryobates minor 401 Strickland's Woodpecker Leuconotopicus stricklandi 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 402 Hairy Woodpecker Leuconotopicus villosus 02/08/2023 USA, NY 403 Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major 404 White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos 28/04/2022 Spain 405 Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 406 Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus 04/08/2023 USA, NY 407 Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius 408 European Green Woodpecker Picus viridis 409 Iberian Green Woodpecker Picus sharpei Spain 410 Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni Spain 411 Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 412 Rock Kestrel Falco rupicolus 11/09/2022 South Africa 413 Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus 414 Merlin Falco columbarius 415 Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo 416 Saker Falcon Falco cherrug 20/07/2019 Bierdijk, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands 417 Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus 03/02/2024 Texel, NH, The Netherlands Pending 418 Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Also in South Korea 419 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo Zanda funerea 28/12/2006 Katoomba, Australia 420 Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans 28/12/2006 Katoomba, Australia 421 Greenish Elaenia Myiopagis viridicata 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 422 Northern Beardless Tyrannulet Camptostoma imberbe 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 423 Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe 03/08/2023 USA, NY 424 Greater Pewee Contopus pertinax 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 425 Eastern Wood Pewee Contopus virens 27/07/2023 USA, Ohio 426 Acadian Flycatcher Empidonax virescens 25/07/2023 USA, Ohio 427 Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii 26/07/2023 USA, Ohio 428 White-throated Flycatcher Empidonax albigularis 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 429 Western Flycatcher Empidonax difficilis 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico Cordilleran Flycatcher (occidentalis). 430 Buff-breasted Flycatcher Empidonax fulvifrons 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 431 Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 432 Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 433 Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Myiodynastes luteiventris 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 434 Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 435 Cassin's Kingbird Tyrannus vociferans 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 436 Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 437 Nutting's Flycatcher Myiarchus nuttingi 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 438 Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 439 Rose-throated Becard Pachyramphus aglaiae 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 440 Red-backed Fairywren Malurus melanocephalus 15/01/2007 Atherton Tablelands, Australia 441 Cape Batis Batis capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 442 Bokmakierie Telophorus zeylonus 17/09/2022 South Africa 443 Southern Boubou Laniarius ferrugineus 18/09/2022 South Africa 444 Chestnut-sided Shrike-Vireo Vireolanius melitophrys 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 445 Golden Vireo Vireo hypochryseus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 446 Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus 447 Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 448 Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus 449 Black Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone atrocaudata 30/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 450 Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor 451 Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus 02/06/2012 Florida, United States 452 Iberian Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis Spain 453 Southern Fiscal Lanius collaris 15/09/2022 South Africa 454 Lesser Grey Shrike Lanius minor 18/06/2019 Grijpskerk, Groningen, The Netherlands 455 Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator 456 Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio 457 Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides 24/08/2019 Friesland, The Netherlands 458 Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus 21/02/2017 Den Helder, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands 459 Siberian Jay Perisoreus infaustus 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 460 Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 461 California Scrub Jay Aphelocoma californica 09/11/2018 Seattle, United States 462 Eurasian Jay Garrulus glandarius 463 Iberian Magpie Cyanopica cooki Spain 464 Eurasian Magpie Pica pica 465 Spotted Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes 21/11/2018 Wageningen, The Netherlands ssp macrorhynchos 466 Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Spain 467 Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus Spain 468 Western Jackdaw Coloeus monedula ssp spermologus, also ssp monedula 469 Rook Corvus frugilegus 470 Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus 12/08/2023 USA, NY 471 Carrion Crow Corvus corone 472 Hooded Crow Corvus cornix 473 Pied Crow Corvus albus 17/09/2022 South Africa 474 Northern Raven Corvus corax 475 White-necked Raven Corvus albicollis 11/09/2022 South Africa 476 Cape Rockjumper Chaetops frenatus 11/09/2022 South Africa 477 Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus 478 Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 479 Grey Silky-flycatcher Ptiliogonys cinereus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 480 Coal Tit Periparus ater 481 Crested Tit Lophophanes cristatus 482 Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 483 Varied Tit Sittiparus varius 30/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 484 Grey-headed Chickadee Poecile cinctus 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland HO 485 Mexican Chickadee Poecile sclateri 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 486 Carolina Chickadee Poecile carolinensis 15/08/2023 USA, Washington D.C. 487 Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus 04/11/2018 Seattle, United States 488 Marsh Tit Poecile palustris 489 Willow Tit Poecile montanus 490 Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus 491 Great Tit Parus major 492 Grey Tit Melaniparus afer 17/09/2022 South Africa 493 Eurasian Penduline Tit Remiz pendulinus 494 Cape Penduline Tit Anthoscopus minutus 17/09/2022 South Africa 495 Bearded Reedling Panurus biarmicus 496 Cape Long-billed Lark Certhilauda curvirostris 17/09/2022 South Africa 497 Cape Clapper Lark Mirafra apiata 17/09/2022 South Africa 498 Woodlark Lullula arborea 499 Eurasian Skylark Alauda arvensis 500 Large-billed Lark Galerida magnirostris 17/09/2022 South Africa 501 Thekla's Lark Galerida theklae Spain 502 Crested Lark Galerida cristata 503 Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris 504 Red-capped Lark Calandrella cinerea 17/09/2022 South Africa 505 Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla 06/08/2019 Spain 506 Calandra Lark Melanocorypha calandra 27/04/2022 Spain 507 Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti 27/04/2022 Spain 508 Mediterranean Short-toed Lark Alaudala rufescens 07/08/2019 Spain 509 Sombre Greenbul Andropadus importunus 11/09/2022 South Africa 510 Brown-eared Bulbul Hypsipetes amaurotis 29/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 511 Cape Bulbul Pycnonotus capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 512 Banded Martin Neophedina cincta 17/09/2022 South Africa 513 Brown-throated Martin Riparia paludicola 11/09/2022 South Africa 514 Sand Martin Riparia riparia 515 Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor 06/08/2023 USA, NY 516 Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 517 Purple Martin Progne subis 03/08/2023 USA, NY 518 Grey-breasted Martin Progne chalybea 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 519 Northern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis 15/08/2023 USA, Washington D.C. 520 Eurasian Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris Spain 521 Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne fuligula 11/09/2022 South Africa 522 Pearl-breasted Swallow Hirundo dimidiata 17/09/2022 South Africa 523 Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 524 White-throated Swallow Hirundo albigularis 11/09/2022 South Africa 525 Western House Martin Delichon urbicum 526 Greater Striped Swallow Cecropis cucullata 11/09/2022 South Africa 527 Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica 528 American Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota 15/08/2023 USA, Washington DC 529 Cape Grassbird Sphenoeacus afer 17/09/2022 South Africa 530 Long-billed Crombec Sylvietta rufescens 17/09/2022 South Africa 531 Victorin's Warbler Cryptillas victorini 11/09/2022 South Africa 532 Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti 12/11/2017 Spain 533 American Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 534 Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus 535 Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix 536 Western Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli 06/08/2019 Spain 537 Hume's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus humei 16/02/2019 Katwijk aan Zee, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands 538 Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus 539 Pallas's Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus 540 Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus 541 Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus 542 Common Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita 543 Iberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus 544 Two-barred Warbler Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus 10/10/2021 Maasvlakte, ZH, The Netherlands 545 Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides 546 Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis 11/10/2022 The Netherlands 547 Lesser Swamp Warbler Acrocephalus gracilirostris 11/09/2022 South Africa 548 Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus Spain 549 Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon 02/03/2024 Rhenen, Utrecht, The Netherlands Pending 550 Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus 551 Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum 07/12/2019 Texel, The Netherlands 552 Common Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus 553 Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris 554 Eastern Olivaceous Warbler Iduna pallida 20/11/2021 Nieuwvliet-Bad, ZL, The Netherlands 555 Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta 556 Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina 557 River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis 03/06/2017 Almere, Flevoland, The Netherlands 558 Savi's Warbler Locustella luscinioides 559 Common Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia 560 Little Rush Warbler Bradypterus baboecala 11/09/2022 South Africa 561 Grey-backed Cisticola Cisticola subruficapilla 11/09/2022 South Africa 562 Levaillant's Cisticola Cisticola tinniens 11/09/2022 South Africa 563 Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis 564 Karoo Prinia Prinia maculosa 11/09/2022 South Africa 565 Bar-throated Apalis Apalis thoracica 17/09/2022 South Africa 566 Eurasian Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla 567 Garden Warbler Sylvia borin 568 Barred Warbler Curruca nisoria 569 Chestnut-vented Warbler Curruca subcoerulea 17/09/2022 South Africa 570 Lesser Whitethroat Curruca curruca 571 Sardinian Warbler Curruca melanocephala Spain 572 Western Subalpine Warbler Curruca iberiae 20/08/2018 Spain 573 Common Whitethroat Curruca communis 574 Spectacled Warbler Curruca conspicillata Spain 575 Marmora's Warbler Curruca sarda 21/04/2021 Den Helder, The Netherlands 576 Dartford Warbler Curruca undata 19/06/2021 Meijendel, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands 577 Warbling White-eye Zosterops japonicus 29/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 578 Cape White-eye Zosterops virens 11/09/2022 South Africa 579 Cape Sugarbird Promerops cafer 11/09/2022 South Africa 580 Common Firecrest Regulus ignicapilla 581 Goldcrest Regulus regulus 582 Grey-barred Wren Campylorhynchus megalopterus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 583 Canyon Wren Catherpes mexicanus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 584 Grass Wren Cistothorus platensis 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico HO 585 Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris 05/08/2023 USA, NY 586 Bewick's Wren Thryomanes bewickii 03/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 587 Happy Wren Pheugopedius felix 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico HO 588 Banded Wren Thryophilus pleurostictus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 589 Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus 28/07/2023 USA, Ohio 590 Eurasian Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 591 Winter Wren Troglodytes hiemalis 06/08/2023 USA, NY 592 House Wren Troglodytes aedon 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 593 Blue-grey Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 594 White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 595 Pygmy Nuthatch Sitta pygmaea 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 596 Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea 597 Wallcreeper Tichodroma muraria Spain 598 Eurasian Treecreeper Certhia familiaris 599 Brown Creeper Certhia americana 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 600 Short-toed Treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla 601 Grey Catbird Dumetella carolinensis 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 602 Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 603 Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum 02/08/2023 USA, NY 604 Curve-billed Thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre 03/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 605 Rosy Starling Pastor roseus 606 Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris 607 Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor Spain 608 Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea 17/09/2022 South Africa 609 Pied Starling Lamprotornis bicolor 17/09/2022 South Africa 610 Red-winged Starling Onychognathus morio 10/09/2022 South Africa 611 Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 612 Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis 03/08/2023 USA, NY 613 Brown-backed Solitaire Myadestes occidentalis 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 614 Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina 02/08/2023 USA, NY HO 615 Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Catharus aurantiirostris 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 616 Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 617 Russet Nightingale-Thrush Catharus occidentalis 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 618 Veery Catharus fuscescens 10/08/2023 USA, NYC, Central Park 619 White's Thrush Zoothera aurea 02/10/2020 Ouddorp, The Netherlands 620 Song Thrush Turdus philomelos 621 Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus 622 Olive Thrush Turdus olivaceus 11/09/2022 South Africa 623 Redwing Turdus iliacus 624 Common Blackbird Turdus merula 625 Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus 15/11/2020 Paesens, Friesland, The Netherlands 626 Fieldfare Turdus pilaris 627 Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus 628 Black-throated Thrush Turdus atrogularis 25/01/2018 Scheemda, Groningen, The Netherlands 629 Dusky Thrush Turdus eunomus 25/10/2019 Vlieland, The Netherlands Also in Japan on 23-01-2016 630 American Robin Turdus migratorius 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 631 White-throated Thrush Turdus assimilis 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 632 Rufous-backed Thrush Turdus rufopalliatus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 633 Karoo Scrub Robin Cercotrichas coryphoeus 17/09/2022 South Africa 634 Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin Cercotrichas galactotes 14/09/2020 Almere, Flevoland, The Netherlands ssp galactotes, also in Spain 635 Fiscal Flycatcher Sigelus silens 11/09/2022 South Africa 636 Grey-streaked Flycatcher Muscicapa griseisticta 31/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 637 African Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta 11/09/2022 South Africa 638 Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata 639 European Robin Erithacus rubecula 640 Cape Robin-Chat Dessonornis caffer 11/09/2022 South Africa 641 Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia 05/06/2023 Tynaarlo - Zwijnmaden, Drenthe, The Netherlands 642 Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos 643 Bluethroat Luscinia svecica 644 Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 645 European Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca 646 Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis 30/05/2021 Gasteren, Drenthe, The Netherlands 647 Red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus 648 Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros also ssp phoenicuroides 649 Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus 650 Common Rock Thrush Monticola saxatilis Spain 651 Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius Spain 652 Cape Rock Thrush Monticola rupestris 11/09/2022 South Africa 653 Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 654 African Stonechat Saxicola torquatus 17/09/2022 South Africa 655 Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus 10/10/2021 Maasvlakte, ZH, The Netherlands 656 European Stonechat Saxicola rubicola 657 Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 658 Capped Wheatear Oenanthe pileata 17/09/2022 South Africa 659 Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina 11/10/2020 Texel 660 Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti 15/10/2016 Texel, The Netherlands 661 Western Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica 662 Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka 28/11/2021 Texel, The Netherlands 663 Eastern Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe melanoleuca 22/04/2023 Koehool, The Netherlands Pending 664 Familiar Chat Oenanthe familiaris 11/09/2022 South Africa 665 Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucura Spain 666 White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus ssp cinclus 667 Orange-breasted Sunbird Anthobaphes violacea 11/09/2022 South Africa 668 Amethyst Sunbird Chalcomitra amethystina 18/09/2022 South Africa 669 Malachite Sunbird Nectarinia famosa 11/09/2022 South Africa 670 Southern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris chalybeus 11/09/2022 South Africa 671 Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia 01/08/2019 Spain 672 Cape Sparrow Passer melanurus 15/09/2022 South Africa 673 Southern Grey-headed Sparrow Passer diffusus 18/09/2022 South Africa 674 Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 675 Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis Spain 676 House Sparrow Passer domesticus 677 Cape Weaver Ploceus capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 678 Southern Masked Weaver Ploceus velatus 11/09/2022 South Africa 679 Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix 11/09/2022 South Africa 680 Yellow Bishop Euplectes capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 681 Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullata 18/09/2022 South Africa 682 Swee Waxbill Coccopygia melanotis 18/09/2022 South Africa 683 Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild 11/09/2022 South Africa 684 Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua macroura 11/09/2022 South Africa 685 Olive Warbler Peucedramus taeniatus 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 686 Alpine Accentor Prunella collaris 05/03/2023 Den Haag, The Netherlands 687 Dunnock Prunella modularis 688 Western Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 689 Eastern Yellow Wagtail Motacilla tschutschensis 15/10/2022 The Netherlands Pending 690 Cape Wagtail Motacilla capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 691 Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 692 White Wagtail Motacilla alba 693 Japanese Wagtail Motacilla grandis 16/01/2013 Tsukuba, Japan 694 African Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus 17/09/2022 South Africa 695 Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris ********** ********** 696 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis 697 Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis 698 Olive-backed Pipit Anthus hodgsoni 699 Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus 700 Buff-bellied Pipit Anthus rubescens 11/02/2023 's-Gravendeel - Polder Nieuw-Bonaventura - noord, The Netherlands 701 Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta 702 European Rock Pipit Anthus petrosus 703 Eurasian Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs 704 Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 705 Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes 706 Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator 23/05/2019 Kuusamo, Finland 707 Eurasian Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula 708 Common Rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus 709 House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States Also in Mexico 710 European Greenfinch Chloris chloris 711 Grey-capped Greenfinch Chloris sinica 29/08/2016 Jeju Island, South Korea 712 Forest Canary Crithagra scotops 18/09/2022 South Africa 713 Cape Siskin Crithagra totta 11/09/2022 South Africa 714 Yellow Canary Crithagra flaviventris 17/09/2022 South Africa 715 Brimstone Canary Crithagra sulphurata 11/09/2022 South Africa 716 Twite Linaria flavirostris 717 Common Linnet Linaria cannabina 718 Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea 719 Lesser Redpoll Acanthis cabaret 720 Arctic Redpoll Acanthis hornemanni 27/02/2024 Blaricum, The Netherlands 721 Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus 04/11/2017 Drents-Friese Wold, Drenthe, The Netherlands 722 Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra 723 European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 724 Citril Finch Carduelis citrinella Spain 725 European Serin Serinus serinus 726 Cape Canary Serinus canicollis 11/09/2022 South Africa 727 American Goldfinch Spinus tristis 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 728 Lesser Goldfinch Spinus psaltria 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 729 Eurasian Siskin Spinus spinus 730 Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus 731 Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis 732 Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra 733 Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella 734 Rock Bunting Emberiza cia Spain 735 Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana Spain 736 Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus 04/05/2018 Weert, Limburg, The Netherlands 737 Cape Bunting Emberiza capensis 11/09/2022 South Africa 738 Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 739 Yellow-browed Bunting Emberiza chrysophrys 21/10/2022 Bunne, Drenthe, The Netherlands 740 Rustic Bunting Emberiza rustica 741 Black-headed Bunting Emberiza melanocephala 16/05/2022 Castricum, The Netherlands 742 Common Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus 743 Stripe-headed Sparrow Peucaea ruficauda 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 744 Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 745 Clay-colored Sparrow Spizella pallida 03/08/2023 USA, NY 746 Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 747 Red Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 748 Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis 27/04/2021 Koudum, Friesland, The Netherlands 749 Yellow-eyed Junco Junco phaeonotus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 750 White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 751 Striped Sparrow Oriturus superciliosus 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 752 Sierra Madre Sparrow Xenospiza baileyi 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 753 Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States In Mexico ssp mexicana 754 Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana 05/08/2023 USA, NY 755 Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrow Melozone kieneri 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 756 Spotted Towhee Pipilo maculatus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 757 Eastern Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 758 Chihuahuan Meadowlark Sturnella lilianae 02/06/2019 Mexico - Distrito Federal (DF) 759 Streak-backed Oriole Icterus pustulatus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 760 Black-backed Oriole Icterus abeillei 03/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 761 Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 762 Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus 28/06/2017 Long Island, United States 763 Bronzed Cowbird Molothrus aeneus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 764 Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 07/02/2016 Central Park, NYC, United States 765 Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 766 Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 767 Worm-eating Warbler Helmitheros vermivorum 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 768 Northern Waterthrush Parkesia noveboracensis 10/08/2023 USA, NYC, Central Park 769 Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia 10/08/2023 USA, NYC, Central Park 770 Crescent-chested Warbler Oreothlypis superciliosa 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 771 Kentucky Warbler Geothlypis formosa 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 772 Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 28/07/2023 USA, Ohio 773 Hooded Yellowthroat Geothlypis nelsoni 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 774 Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina 07/08/2023 USA, NY 775 American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla 02/08/2023 USA, NY 776 Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 777 American Yellow Warbler Setophaga aestiva 29/07/2018 Washington D.C., United States 778 Chestnut-sided Warbler Setophaga pensylvanica 10/08/2023 USA, NYC, Central Park 779 Blackpoll Warbler Setophaga striata 26/10/2020 Texel, The Netherlands 780 Myrtle Warbler Setophaga coronata 13/10/2019 Schiermonnikoog, The Netherlands 781 Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica 26/07/2023 USA, Ohio 782 Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis 10/08/2023 USA, NYC, Central Park 783 Slate-throated Whitestart Myioborus miniatus 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 784 Hepatic Tanager Piranga hepatica 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 785 Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea 03/08/2023 USA, NY 786 Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus 02/08/2023 Canada, Ontario 787 Black-headed Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus 02/06/2019 Distrito Federal, Mexico 788 Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 25/06/2017 Central Park, NYC, United States 789 Blue Grosbeak Passerina caerulea 06/06/2019 Mexico City, Mexico 790 Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea 26/07/2023 USA, Ohio 791 Cinnamon-rumped Seedeater Sporophila torqueola 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico 792 Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer Diglossa baritula 02/06/2019 Morelos, Mexico