Dutch Birding The journal Dutch Birding maintains a list of Western Palearctic bird species (published by the Commissie Systematiek Nederlandse Avifauna—Dutch committee for avian systematics CSNA), which is intended to be a more progressive list than that presented by the AERC (or IOC). Note that Dutch Birders do not count "introduced species with viable breeding populations of which all individuals or their ancestors certainly originate from captivity", so such b#llsh*t species as Black Swan, Mandarin Duck, Rose-ringed Parakeet are no longer countable (category C).

Unlike other authorities, Dutch Birding takes as its definition of the Western Palearctic a similar one as that of the new Handbook of Western Palearctic Birds, often called the "greater WP". To put it more clearly, this is a list of all species acceptes in Europa, including Macaronesia, all countries bordering the Mediterranean or Black Sea, the Arabian Peninsula (sensu lato) and Armenia, Azerbaijan and Iran. However, Socotra and the Asian part of Kazachstan are excluded. Note that Banc d'Arguin and northern Mauritania are therefore also excluded as country borders as being followed.

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First select authority to copy existing species from, then type species name, or enter a new species directly.
Species name is defaulted from the previous species row and should of course be overwritten!
Genus is defaulted from the previous species row but may need overwriting; specific needs to be entered in either case.

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NB: Species name for the old taxon should be updated to differentiate it from the split taxa using a '/' or '[group]', e.g. Species A/Species B or Species A [group].
NB: Scientific name should also be updated similarly, e.g. Genus specific A/specific B or Genus specific A [group]

NB: Notes only allow up to 255 characters, but there is no enforcement of this. Anything longer will be truncated without warning.
NB: Species name for the old taxon should be updated to differentiate it from the split taxa using '[lumped]', e.g. Species A [lumped].
NB: Scientific should also be updated, using '[lumped]' or brackets for the old specific name, e.g. Genus specific [lumped] or Genus [specific] subspecific.
NB: Notes only allow up to 255 characters, but there is no enforcement of this. Anything longer will be truncated without warning.