The list of Portuguese birds used by BUBO Listing is derived from the website of the Sociedade Portuguesa Para O Estudo Das Aves, by combining a list of more regular species and a list of rarities. In addition, we have added a small number of well established introduced species as pending species. (Note that a published version of the list from 2005 is available to view at
Latest update from information kindly provided by Pedro Ramalho in 2011, and based on Comité Português de Raridades (CPR) report for 2008-2009. There has been no update since, so we instead recommend using the Portugal IOC list.
Note that this list only covers continental Portugal, not Madeira etc.
Although English and scientific names are currently shown as standard within BUBO Listing, the Portuguese names of each species are also included and can be viewed upon data entry by hovering the mouse over the English name. Moreover, these names are also listed below.
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