Mike Prince
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Number of lists: 44
Mike Prince
United Kingdom
West Sussex
I was born in Hampshire but most of my formative birding years were spent in Sussex, including many fruitless hours staring at the sea off Worthing. Plenty of birding done whilst otherwise studying for a degree at Bristol University. Thereafter I spent 18 months in Israel (Didric Cuckoo plus a few hundred thousand migrating raptors), and a few years back in the UK (Sussex, Bedfordshire and Berkshire), before moving to India where I spent 17 years doing a variety of things including being a full-time Dad, part-time developer of BUBO Listing, running BirdTrack for the BTO, running my own ecommerce business, working for Nature Conservation India to promote citizen science and eBird, and then running tours through Bubo Birding. Covid brought big changes unfortunately, and I'm now back in the UK working for Natural England on improving access to species data. Outside of work, I've developed Pan-species Listing and always look forward to my next birding tour to India!
Breeding plumaged Caspian Plover