West Sussex
United Kingdom
Based in West Sussex, slowly but surely building up my PSL list, still a lot to learn but I'm interested in everything!
Always been a birder, but also very keen on plants, dragonflies, lepidoptera and macro fungi.
Cheshire based Birder, Photographer, Twitcher & BTO/RSPB volunteer. Tweeter for RSPB Wirral & Centre Assistant at RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands
Oxfordshire & West Glamorgan
United Kingdom
I have watched birds for a long time and have always been interested.
United States of America
Birder, photographer, traveler, husband, father
United States of America
Chemist, born 1954, Finland
I'm ornitholigst ( amateur ) , and like to photogrpah birds , I go out very often here in Mallorca . ( Almost every weekend) , if someone is in Mallorca in anytime and notice it , I can join to go to birding. I have a house in Andalucia , and when my job allows me , I go there , the house is located in Sierra de Segura , a marvellous place to birding , with a lot of species.
North Wales
United Kingdom
Young naturalist, conservationist, and birder.
Greater London
United Kingdom
Masters student at Kew Gardens studying Plant and Fungal Taxonomy, Diversity and Conservation