Originally from Burnley UK, living in Germany since 2001
East Yorkshire
United Kingdom
Birded for 3 years as a teenager, then not again until 1985, at age 40. Bitterly regret those 23 years not birding.
Check out my blog
Husband to one, Father to four,
A proud Grand-dad to four,
Godfather to one, Uncle to many,
Wildlife enthusiast to all.
quite new to birding,Started in Berkshire before moving to devon in september 2010. Try and get out a few times a week, local patch is Dawlish warren. odd visits to other sites around devon.
Not a serious Birder, more a dog walker who takes a pair of bins with him. Don't know half of what I see and never make notes. Thats why I search through the guides when I get home and say "It could have been that one, or was it this one"!!! Oh well, room for improvement but I enjoy every minute of it.
I came to birding through photography but now in my retirement the draw of listing has somewhat taken over. I just wish I'd discovered the delights of birding when I was younger!
United Kingdom
Was an Ecological Consultant based in Lincolnshire but now a freelance ecological surveyor (mainly birds, botany and badgers). Not a twitcher, much prefer finding my own local good birds. Local patch: Trent Port area, Marton, Lincs.
I am a recently retired doctor. I have been interested in birds since a boy and have been actively watching birds for 35 years both in UK and in Europe. I twitch a bit and have found this twitch to be more persistent since my retirement! I hope to travel further afield in the next few years in pursuit of this interest. I consider myself to be fortunate to have lived and worked in Norfolk for the past 30 years.
Keen birder with a real interest in Irish listing and Western Palearctic birds.
One of the few birders in Cornwall that was actually born in Cornwall.
Claims to fame include finding Scarlet Tanager [Nanquidno],American Kestrel [Bearah Tor] Bridled Tern [St Ives]White Tailed Eagle [Nare Head]and more recently Black Browed Albatross at Porthgwarra.
I have been birding for about 38 years and on a few occasions will twitch outside the county with mixed results as I usually leave it too
Lapsed birder and traveller!
Started birding 1980 doing my "apprenticeship" along the Dee estuary,Frodsham marsh with weekly excursions to Seaforth Pools. First BB rarity Wilsons Phal,Frodsham 1981,first overnight twitch Sora,Pagham Harbour Nov. 85. from then on done a delicate balancing act between birds,work and a growing family. Due to this and a reluctance to twitch the northern isles missed out on a few rarities. Now retired and twitching northern/western isles hope to catch up on those missed birds as well as any new ones and also enjoy my other great passion for quality pubs,real ale and touring in the campervan. Had enough by 2015,prefer the less stressful life in the campervan. Last new bird Cory's Aug.2015,last mega Cretzschmar's 2015.
Bird watcher and ringer. I have been watching birds since 1944 at the age of 7 in Hampshire. I took up bird ringing later in life! I now train other ringers. I have watched and ringed birds in Austrlia, South Africa, Canada, Ireland and the UK.
Been birding since 1977 ,used to be BTO RR Ayrshire,and name listed in 88-91 new atlas of breeding birds on page 9.Spend a lot of time in North-east England,and local patching,only the odd twitch.Life list for Britain 339.
I have been birding for 4 years, beginning when I was 24. My interesting in birding began through photography, but has since evolved into much more. Don't twitch too much, and mostly just hope for luck.
West Midlands
United Kingdom
Last went Birding in the early 80s. Seem to have forgotten a good deal and starting again in your 60s when your memory starts to fade a bit doesn't make it any easier. Still remember what a joy it is.
Some Saturdays spent watching birds in the Hawthorns.
Bubo Birding: unique Indian birding experiences brought to you by Mike Prince. Bubo Birding is a birdwatching tour company with a difference. Of course we aim to show you the most sought-after birds and fantastic wildlife experiences wherever our travels across India take us, but we also directly and indirectly contribute to ‘better birding’ and conservation initiatives within the country.
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
I'm a birder/wildlife photographer
Moved to Orkney this year (2024), a whole new area to get excited about!
Edinburgh birder with a love of Scottish islands.
One of the original Barra lads since 2002, who helped put the island firmly on the birding map.