We no longer receive taxonomic updates or new additions to the UK400 Club list, and the UK400 Club website seems to be permanently offline. Therefore, we are no longer supporting it on BUBO Listing. We recommend listers use BOU instead.
The list of British and Irish birds maintained by the UK400 Club. This list comprises a greater number of species compared to the BOU or Birdwatch lists, both as a result of more liberal 'splitting' in most (but not all) cases, and also due to a more open-minded approach to potentially escaped birds. The UK400 Club 'authority' can be used for lists in Britain & Ireland or smaller units (i.e. countries and counties) of this area.
The list is regularly updated on the UK400 Club website. The latest published update incorporated into BUBO Listing is that provided by Lee Evans at the end of September 2009. The main changes in this list over the previous version are the inclusion of Yelkouan Shearwater Puffinus yelkouan and Tufted Puffin Lunda cirrhata, and the removal of Masked Booby Sula dactylatra.
Species currently considered as comprising the UK400 List for BUBO Listing purposes are shown below.
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