We no longer receive taxonomic updates or new additions to the UK400 Club list, and the UK400 Club website seems to be permanently offline. Therefore, we are no longer supporting it on BUBO Listing. We recommend listers use IOC instead.
Although the UK400 club is primarily concerned with birding in Britain and Ireland, they do also provide a Western Palearctic list. As with the UK400 list for Britain and Ireland, this list takes a more liberal approach to splitting and potential escapes than does the AERC or IOC, and its taxonomic decisions are not fully documented. It is assumed that the UK400 club's Western Palearctic list refers to the same geographical area as that of the AERC, i.e. the area used by Birds of the Western Palearctic.
The list used by BUBO Listing for this authority incorporates changes up to February 2011, i.e. the addition of Slaty-backed Gull Larus schistisagus.
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