Your profile is a great way to tell other pan-species listers all about yourself. You can easily get to anyone's profile by clicking the person icon to the left of their name on the rankings or milestones, or by clicking their name on the full list of PSL listers. This will display all their lists but there are three other tabs: Contact Details, Additional Information and Biological Recording. To edit any of these (or your photo and header banner photo), just click ‘Edit’ and then 'Update your details'.
The Additional Information tab is really worth filling out–use this to talk about where you live, what you do for a living, links to blogs, what you most want to see etc. The format is similar to the old website but for some reason, uptake has been lower on the new site (around 20%) despite it looking much better and being easier to use. Some of the younger listers were particularly keen to learn about the older listers and be inspired by their career choices, for example. Therefore, we are encouraging people to spend just 10 minutes filling in your profile if you could. It’s great to be able to put a face to a name too.
I’ve recently updated my page to talk about the “PSL Sussex” WhatsApp group and if anyone else is running something similar in a different region or county, this (and the Facebook group) is a great place to advertise it. I’ve also added in some stuff on my recent discoveries regarding neurodivergence and a link to the book. These are all just examples of the sort of thing you could put here.
Under the heading Biological Recording we have added some new fields recently. The first is for the number of biological records you have made. This is then summed on the front page in the Statistics box. It’s great to see currently 3.7 million records by just 37 pan-species listers (just 12% of those on the main rankings) but do please add your totals here if you have not. The power of this statistic really works when as many of us contribute as possible and keep it fresh and up to date. The second involves a place to let people know if you have been fortunate enough to find any species new to the British Isles or United Kingdom: see that article for full details.
Your personal webpage link is of the form<you>.html. You can personalise the '<you>' from the 'profile link' on the Contact Details tab, so I'm at