been a birdwatching since the age of nine, use to live just outside of Chester and my local patch was frodsham marsh for a good number of years until i moved to stockport, due to work and family constraints birdin is now snatches between them , except when i'm at work i've been a working as cabin crew for a british charter airline out of manchester since 2000, from 2002 we started long haul flights across the pond (Canada.. vancover, calgray, toronto, montreal, ottawa. USA sanford. Dominican rep.. porto plata, punta cana, la romana. Cuba.. cayo coco, holguin, santa clara, varadaro. Mexico.. cancun. Barbados. Gambia in Africa plus some enforced overnight stays in european detinations) most of my trip days off are now spent birdin around hotels gardens or areas that i've found during my time off. Seeing as i'm there to make money not spend it, i have to rely on walkin, bike or local transport, or a hire car split between a few people if the destination has something for all my fellow crew members ie Vancover plus canadian rockies, banff and lake louise.
enjoys birding new destinations abroad with interests in landscape & bird photography. places i'd like to see are central asia,far east. africa is my 'thing' at the present time ( gambia in jan 09 & maybe kenya,tanzania,uganda in june july09?).recently returned from south africa,see trip report best wishes from chris
Field Ornithologist, non twitcher (most of the time).
Ocean County, NJ
United States of America
I'm a new birder, introduced on New Years Day of 2008. It has been a wonderful addition to my life.
richland wisconsin
United States of America
Iv been birding since i was young and am doing a big year.
United States of America
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." ~ Margaret Mead
I am a naturalist & conservationist, and the founder of Earthwise Aware (EwA), a wildlife & nature conservation organization.
EwA cultivates eco-literacy, and an informed & responsible form of environmental engagement —one that makes a difference in a World which needs that we redefine our relationship with Nature.
Specifically EwA bridges knowledge and ethics gaps between Wildlife and outdoors enthusiasts, conservation experts, ecological researchers and volunteers, animal welfare scientists, and Nature. We make the work of scientists and conservationists accessible & actionable. We inform, we guide, we coach. We enable individual, organizational and societal changes.
EwA's impact is that through our work such as developing guides, etiquettes and programs for engagement of the public and professionals with Nature habitats and wildlife, we foster an enduring attitude of ecological respect and belonging.
As for birds, I started birding in 2005 and never stopped since... And I never miss the opportunity wherever I may be to check the birds of the location I am in.
Now retired, I have become an avid bird photographer and birder.
A lifelong birder who still has a pretty pathetic British List. Determined to get out more in 2012
born NI, birding nearly 40 years, live in lothian and keep lothian list, in fact rarely leave region.
Birder from North Wales, often on trips out with Jac French.
been birding on and off since the early 80,s. Used to be a regular at the Dagenham Chase . First twitch white billed diver flamborough head 1989 (dipped). I moved from Dagenham last year to at little villiage near Chelmsford, i,ve recently started birding at Old Hall
United Kingdom
Started birding again in the early nineties after been interested in bird watching from junior school.
I also make Tern rafts and all types of bird boxes especially Owl boxes.
Write about my adventures at home and abroad on my blog just to say I'm no photographer.
Started birding in 1979 when I was 11 years old after winning a free subscription to the YOC after winning a Blue Peter Garden birds competition.
I then learned to escape into the fields to avoid the bullies and found I more birds.
In 1987 I became unemployed and started Birding seriously. In 1989 I had my first scope for my 21st Birthday. In this year I was introduced to the Lowestoft Birders who showed me a Long-eared Owl. I never recovered from being Bullied and find it hard to make friends so still prefer Birding on my own. I now just work my local 10km square trying to beat my year list annually.
East Sussex
United Kingdom
My mum bought me Witherby's Popular Handbook to British Birds for my 12th birthday in 1967. We were on holiday on the shores of Loch Carron, the first bird I used it to identify was an Oystercatcher.
In the 70's I was a regular at Spurn Bird Observatory, where Barry Spence showed me my first Death's Head Hawk-moth.
In the 80's I became the chair of trustees at Dungeness Bird Observatory.
Work took over for a while and, on retiring, I didn't want to 'go back'. So, I decided to be a Gilbert White wannabee instead and take an interest in everything.
This year (2024) saw me do three FSC courses, volunteer for the SWT, and survey moths regularly at 3 reserves. Plus the Bioscan and Nocturnal Parasitoids projects.
So, if you bump into an eccentric old gimmer with a campervan, scratching around in a hedge bottom somewhere in Sussex looking confused, that might well be me.