Part time barman and conservation student at Aberwystwyth. Full time birder.
A Pure bird and wildlife enthusiast.
Scottish born and bred, living in Zimbabwe for 30 years, Children in Australia so visit often. Side trips to Canada, China, New Zealand, India
Status: Absolute beginner. I started birding in 2013. Not a big lister, but thought it would be nice to keep track of what I see. A friend recommended this site which I thought a great idea after having lost some of my birding data in a computer crash.
Living in Germany, not too far from the dutch and the belgian borders, but do love to travel, so will hopefully be able to add birds from all over the world
Pretty new to this I am constantly looking for inspiration birding-wise and birders (North Rhine Westfalia.or elsewhere)
A "return birder" (dabbled as youngster before being distracted by music) back to the natural world since circa 2009. Began moth-trapping obsession from home (VC61) in 2019. Ever-expanding interest in wildlife as getting a real grip on anything specifically seems to drift further away, but enjoying the whole process.
Mid Glamorgan
United Kingdom
I'm on a novice. Only my fourth year as a bird watcher .. be gentle with me! ;o)
A Danish birder since 2009. Totally crazy about locustella's and acro's - can't get enough!
United States of America
I have an unhealthy obsession with birds, plants, and insects.
Fanatic Dutch life lister since age of 12...
15 Year Old Birder, Naturalist and Conservationist based in Surrey.
A surgeon by profession, I am an avid nature lover, and a passionate bird watcher. I have been bird watching since very recently, but have had fantastic experiences in spotting and clicking birds.
Arpit Deomurari is a technocrat trying to find out easier and smart ways to get away from the “technology world” for his pursuits in wildlife. Nature is a passion and sheer poetry for his soul. He is totally fascinated by the wonders of the natural world and he feels that every moment of his life is a walk in exploration. He has keen intereste in Avian Research specially Poppulation Dynamics of Waders, Breeding Biology of seabirds. He has also mastery upon wildlife photography as well as cinematography, his web gallery showcase the wild treasures of Gujarat. Also an ameature paleontologist, herpetologist and shell collector. Apart from this he is Consultant for IT, GIS and Environment in many organizations.
Bird Watcher, Naturalist, Wildlife Photographer, Conservationist.
38 year old birder living in Rotterdam. I like my world-listing the most, but a nice Western Palearctic list is also nice to have :). Lived in Jakarta in 2015-2016.
A freelance photographer,engineer by education, lover of nature and its creation. I am fortunate to be able to spend a good amount of time on personal projects, traveling and birding.
Blogger, Birder, Photographer, Dad