Paulo Boute

Paulo Boute

Mato Grosso & Sergipe
Várzea Grande & Aracajú(Two Offices)
Paulo Boute
Paulo Boute was born in 1963, in a coffee ranch near the Iguassu Falls, where he got in touch with birds at a very early age. He moved to Mato Grosso in 1979, starting guiding professionally at the Pantanal in 1982. Ten years later, Paulo founded Boute Expeditions, which became the oldest Birding company in Brazil and since then has offered over a thousand trips to the Pantanal and other major Brazilian destinations, such as Atlantic & Amazon Forest, Iguassu Falls and Northeast & South regions of Brazil. In 1988 he got a Bachelor degree in Agronomy at University of Mato Grosso, providing him a vast knowledge about the ecology of Amazon and Pantanal.
Birding with Paulo Boute represents a unique experience of seeing Nature like the old and good times when a good companion and the sharing of the same passion for birdlife were what counted for.
Among the hundreds of great birders Paulo has guided, Dr. Roger Tory Peterson and Hubert Lehaen( Site in Dutch) will always have a special place on his memory as very good friends and the inspiration for having every single tour as a chance to improve his skills, aiming to be a better professional and birdwatcher
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Paulo Boute