BUBO Listing 339 topics
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Announcements 16 topicsGeneral information about the BUBO Listing website and news about any updates. Only administrators can post in this forum: if you wish to comment about any announcements please do so in the General Discussion forum.
General Discussion 155 topicsPost here to discuss anything about listing in general, or BUBO Listing in particular.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 12 topicsFrequently Asked Questions about BUBO and bird listing in general, together with their answers of course!
Bugs and Support 77 topicsProblems with BUBO Listing? Post details here.
Suggestions and Feature Requests 26 topicsIf you have any ideas to improve BUBO Listing then please let us know!
Pan-species Listing (PSL) 53 topicsAnything to do with pan-species listing on BUBO, including discussions of what you can count
Regional Discussion 201 topics
Anything specific to certain regions or countries, including new species records and taxonomic discussions
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World 21 topicsDiscussions related to World listing. Use the more specific regional forums if appropriate.
Western Palearctic 100 topicsDiscussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the Western Palearctic region.
Discussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Oriental 22 topicsDiscussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the Oriental region.
North and Central America 31 topicsDiscussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the North and Central America region.
South America 7 topicsDiscussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the South American region.
Africa 12 topicsDiscussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the African region.
Australasia 4 topicsDiscussions primarily relating to birds and listing in the Australasian region.
My Lists Discussion 9 topics
Added something good to your list? Reached a major listing milestone? Got any good blockers, or embarrassing targets? Want to keep a progress report of a list of yours? Discuss it all here.
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My Lists 9 topics |