The annual report of the British Birds Rarities Committee was published in the January 2007 and February editions of British Birds, covering the year 2005. The non-passerine species, covered in the January edition, included such highlights as the Barrow’s Goldeneye in Aberdeenshire, the Green-backed Heron in Anglesey, the Spurn Audouin’s Gull and Pacific Swift, the incredible country-spanning Belted Kingfisher and the influxes of at least 53 Laughing Gulls and six Chimney Swifts.
The passerine section, in the February edition, included such memorable species as the Lincolnshire Buff-bellied Pipit, the Grey-cheeked Thrush in Hertfordshire and also the 2004 records of Rufous-tailed Robin and Chestnut-eared Bunting. If you’re not a BB subscriber (and if not, why not?) then you can order a copy of the report from