Annett Jaeger
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Number of lists: 19
Annett Jaeger
Status: Absolute beginner. I started birding in 2013. Not a big lister, but thought it would be nice to keep track of what I see. A friend recommended this site which I thought a great idea after having lost some of my birding data in a computer crash.
Living in Germany, not too far from the dutch and the belgian borders, but do love to travel, so will hopefully be able to add birds from all over the world
Pretty new to this I am constantly looking for inspiration birding-wise and birders (North Rhine Westfalia.or elsewhere)
Living in Germany, not too far from the dutch and the belgian borders, but do love to travel, so will hopefully be able to add birds from all over the world
Pretty new to this I am constantly looking for inspiration birding-wise and birders (North Rhine Westfalia.or elsewhere)