Phil Villiers

Phil Villiers

United Kingdom
Totton, Southampton
'Enthusiastic amateur' birder since 2000.
My 'approach' to birding has changed dramatically since I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018. Following surgery and then a course of radiotherapy, I attended a course run by MacMillan Cancer just before lockdown kicked off in March 2020, during which I was encouraged to set myself a weekly fitness target. I decided to set myself a walking target and, coincidentally, about that time I also found out about the ‘green birding’ project set up by Gary ‘the green birder’ Prescott – all of which means that since May 2020 I have walked or cycled to lots and lots of nature reserves and other birding hotspots within a 10 mile radius of where I live in Totton, near Southampton. Incidentally the target was walking 50,000 steps, in fact I've averaged over 90,000 - nature as therapy indeed!
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Phil Villiers