Steve Smith

BOU (IOC). Most recent ticks: Pom Skua. (2024). Woodlark, Scarlet Rosefinch & Red-backed Shrike (2023). Caspian Gull, Wigeon & Common Tern (2022). Greylag Goose, Sooty Shearwater, R2S, Grey Plover, Knot, Arctic Tern, Ringed Plover, Sanderling, Greenshank, Sea-eagle (not an IoW released bird), Great Skua, Curlew, Osprey, Common Sandpiper, Montagu's Harrier & Barnacle Goose (2021). Crossbill, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, YL Gull, Dunlin, Lap Bunting, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Cettiā€™s Warbler & Woodcock (2020). Marsh Harrier, Blackwit, Barwit, Red Kite, Shelduck & Red-throated Diver (2019). Also seen a Reintro Great Bustard (2018). Note the BE Wheatear, was originally accepted as Western, but was since downgraded to BE Wheatear sp. Doesn't include Crap (Feral) Pigeon