BUBO Listing News

BUBO and PSL will be at the Global Birdfair next month! Visit us at the Pan-species Listing stand in the Kingfisher marquee to find out more about pan-species listing, and watch the cumulative Global Birdfair PSL list live on screen. If you are a BUBO Lister do pop in and introduce yourself! Read more about the PSL activities planned.
When you add a bird to your list it's interesting to know how significant it is. How many other people have recorded the species? Am I the first? BUBO Listing now tells you if your species is a good record, compared to other listers!

When you add a species to a list you may get a message depending how significant it is, based on how many other "similar" lists (of the same type, e.g. location, life/year, self-found) have already got the species on it. Messages aren't displayed if it is relatively "common" on other lists.
If you are entering several records via batch edit, don't worry as the message isn't obtrusive and you can ignore it and keep ticking away.
With pan-species listing, we also integrate with the NBN Atlas to tell you how significant your record is compared to nationally available records.

BUBO's Targets feature is a handy way to identify the species you've not seen that have been seen by the largest number of other birders. For those of us who are family listers, the data held within the BUBO database can also be used to identify our most glaring family gaps... and those families which are the trickiest.
The easiest five bird families to see are fairly predictable. Top of the list are the ducks, geese, and swans (Anatidae) followed by kites, hawks and eagles (Accipitridae), herons and bitterns (Ardeidae), pheasants and allies (Phasianidae) and pigeons and doves (Columbidae). These are all near-cosmopolitan families and even a short burst of birding anywhere in the world would likely result in at least one member of each of these families being seen. The fact that they're all non-passerine families indicates perhaps that there's a source of bias in the data, caused by listers creating a BUBO list and getting bored long before they enter everything they've seen. The first passerine family, the thrushes (Turdidae) comes in at number 17, and the next four are the finches and euphonias (Fringillidae), swallows and martins (Hirundinidae), starlings and rhabdornises (Sturnidae) and chats and Old World flycatchers (Muscicapidae). All again are widespread families containing many common species. In total, there are 54 out of the world's 252 extant bird families which at least 75% of BUBO listers have seen at least one member of.
What about monotypic families, those unique branches of the avian evolutionary tree which are always a major target on a world birding trip? Almost 80% of BUBO listers have seen an Osprey, not surprisingly given its near-worldwide range. Bearded Reedling has been seen by nearly 70% of listers, reflecting the fact that many of BUBO's members are based in Britain. Following a long way behind are Hamerkop (43% of listers), Wallcreeper (38%) and Limpkin (37%). Hoatzin, the most isolated monotypic family on the evolutionary tree, is way down in 174th place, seen by fewer than 19% of listers.
There are some major families which are a long way down the list. The tyrant flycatchers and hummingbirds are in 78th and 79th place, with only 60% of listers having seen members of these families. Antbirds are in 126th place with only 37% of listers having seen one, only just ahead of much less speciose Neotropical families such as cotingas, tinamous and jacamars.
Among the most difficult families to see, some of those monotypic families feature again: Kagu of New Caledonia, the Asian Przevalski's Finch and Sapayoa of South America have been seen by only around 2% of listers, and it's no surprise that four New Guinea families are among the ten least-seen. The “most difficult” though, is perhaps a surprise: the chat-tanagers of Hispaniola, seen by only a little over 1% of birders. Two other Hispaniolan families, Palmchat and Hispaniolan Palm-tanagers have also been seen by under 4% of listers, perhaps unexpected given how easily accessible these birds are in the Dominican Republic, an inexpensive destination to visit.
We have updated our world lists to align with the major 2023 eBird/Clements update, and the IOC 14.1 update. With 124 splits and 16 lumps from the former, lots of you will be gaining armchair ticks!
There are a few species that have been added but may not be highlighted as splits that you need to address (for reasons that aren't worth going into!). These include:
- Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingfisher
- Coconut and Biak Lorikeets
- Pale-legged, Pacific, and Caribbean Horneros
- Micronesian Rufous Fantail
- Siberian Nuthatch
- Eye-ringed Parrotbill
- Carmiol's and Yellow-lored Tanagers
If you have seen these then you should add them to your lists manually. (Same with Jamaican Petrel and Macquarie Parakeet, but both are probably extinct so unlikely to trouble anyone for updates!)
Some split species are likely to be incorrect on individual country or region lists: it is difficult to know every country that Yellow-billed or Medium Egret have occurred in for example! We have made a best guess, but do point out any errors you may find.
New to BUBO Listing is Winter Listing. Yes, winter listing is apparently a thing and happens mostly in Canada, where winter is a thing too. The winter listing period starts on 1st December and ends at the end of February and is a great motivator for getting people out birding when it might be easier not to. The top Canadian winter list is 324 (as at 2022-23) but a decent list is anything over 200. You can read more about winter lists in the 2022 report from Canadian Listers' Corner.
Winter Listing is supported in BUBO Listing via a new "list type". But don't think you have to be in Canada: you can winter list for anywhere in the world. And no, we aren't intending to add spring listing, summer listing, and autumn/fall listing!
Note that to enter a "season" list you should select the year for the start of the winter season, i.e. create a winter list selecting year list of 2023 to represent December 2023 to February 2024.
So, now that December has come, what are you waiting for? Put those snow boots (or thermal flip-flops) on and get out winter listing.
Thanks to Mark Dennis (from the bit of Canada that rarely freezes, with a Canada winter list of 243 at the time of writing, and out daily looking for more) for this idea!